Equip our warriors to become resilient through hope, healing, and purpose.
Our mission outlines the journey to reach our vision by achieving clearly defined objectives. Our commitment is to directly supply or refer warriors to an myriad of support services – a toolbox – that helps them prepare, withstand, and to quickly bounce back from difficult situations. The R.A.W. program kicks in after the “Beyond the Streets” program ends.
Our clients will remain with the Vets on Track Foundation, through R.A.W., for as long as it takes to ensure they are stable mentally, physically, and emotionally, and can reintegrate back into their community as a fully functioning citizen.
Inspire warriors to discover hope, healing, and purpose.
Our vision is an aspirational statement of what we desire to be as an organization supporting our warriors.
Our vision recognizes that our warriors, in general, are in different phases of life with different experiences and influences along the way. Depending on individual circumstances, the terms hope, healing, and purpose may have different or personal interpretations or meanings. Regardless, R.A.W. is grounded in its vision of inspiring and assisting warriors to seek and discover a renewed hope, healing, and purpose.
Inspire Hope: Hope is a desire for something to happen and can also be described as a feeling of expectation. R.A.W.’s goal is to provide the environment and tools to enable our warriors to experience hope in all facets of life.
Promote Healing: Healing is the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again. R.A.W.’s goal is to engage our warriors through various methods to facilitate healing of mind, body, and spirit.
Discover Purpose: Purpose is the reason for which something is done/created or for which something exists. R.A.W.’s goal is to encourage and support our warriors in discovering their unique purpose.
R.A.W. is more than an acronym! It is a program with a loving faith, heartbeat, and motivation to EQUIP OUR WARRIORS WITH RESILIENCE THROUGH HOPE, HEALING, AND PURPOSE.
Our values are grounded in FAITH as re-emphasized below.