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ATTENTION Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) DONORS:
To select the Vets on Track Foundation as your charity for this year’s CFC Giving Campaign, please type in our CFC Number: 86153 and select ALL Zones.
Please Note: Our Charity AFR is listed at 63.7%. The number is high because expenses to run our “Beyond the Streets” program is calculated into the overall percentage – this includes insurance, storage fees, gas and maintenance for the trucks, and some labor cost. There are NO actual expenses other than what’s listed here for our “Beyond the Streets” program.
One Team. One Mission.
“To Turn Houses into Homes, and Inspire
Hope, Healing and Purpose”
Our mission (goal) is to end veteran homelessness and significantly reduce the number of suicides by helping re-build self-worth, self-dignity, pride, and purpose. These are all traits needed to make a successful transition from homelessness and return as a valued member of society. The Vets on Track Foundation ensures that each veteran exiting homelessness has the necessary resources to make a smooth transition. From temporary to permanent housing, household furnishings and follow-on care, we eliminate a huge financial burden and truly give our unsung heroes a hand-up in restarting their lives.
Highly recommend this company to donate to as they are helping change lives! amskailua
The Vets on Track deserve a huge shout out for what they are doing to provide our vets with an opportunity to have a furnished home to call their own! cstrangermd4
It’s always a joy to see the faces of the families we serve when we begin to bring in the donated furniture that will turn their modest houses into loving homes. To this family, we delivered couches, dressers, lamps, and a dining room table that the family could now use to eat their meals on instead of on the floor. The highlight of the trip occurred when we brought in pillows to decorate their living room. The eldest, a small boy aged 7, was so excited that he scooped up a pillow, ran bare footed outside, and began to show the pillow to his friends with excitement in his voice.
We often times think that once a veteran gets a house, they are all set to continue their path down life. However, we forget the cost associated with outfitting that home, and the mental and emotional taxation that occurs when a home is empty. An empty home is often a reflection of their current emotion state: fragile, empty, and alone.
The work the vets on track foundation does is more than delivering furniture, it shows veterans that they have worth more than the four corners of their house. It helps to build their confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth. lscarpenter15